


Puma is the University of Arizona's newest HPC cluster. Features include:

  • 48 Altus XE2242 CPU Nodes with 96 CPU x 4 = 384 CPU, 2.4GHz, 512GB RAM per node
  • 6 Altus XE2214GT GPU Nodes with 96 CPU, 2.4GHz, 512GB RAM, 4 32GB V100s per node
  • 2 Altus XE1212 High Memory Nodes with 96 CPU, 2.4GHz, 3072GB RAM per node


Ocelote is the University of Arizona's next generation of the IBM cluster we call ElGato. Features:

  • Intel Haswell V3 28 core processors 
  • 192GB RAM per node
  • FDR infiniband for fast MPI interconnect
  • New DDN 12KX storage array (all HPC storage is being integrated into one array)
  • One large memory node with 2TB RAM,  Intel Ivy Bridge V2 48 cores
  • vSMP large memory image
el gato

El Gato

The Extremely LarGe Advanced TechnOlogy (El Gato) cluster is a high-performance computer jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and the University of Arizona.

El Gato uses specially designed hardware to achieve high performance economically, including NVIDIA K20X GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi 5110p Coprocessors. The system is designed around Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs, large amounts of memory per node (256GB/node), and FDR Infiniband. The system is also connected via FDR Infiniband speed to a DataDirect Networks SFA 12K petabyte-scale storage server.

Computational Resources

University of Arizona

The Computational Hypersonics and Nonequilibrium Laboratory utilize state-of-the-art high-performance computing and supercomputing located at the University of Arizona through Research Computing