

Introduction to Fluids (AME/BME 331)

Fundamentals of fluid mechanics covering properties of fluids, fluid statics, dynamics of incompressible viscous and inviscid flows, control volume formulations of continuity, momentum and energy equations, dimensional analysis, viscous pipe flow, boundary layers, and drag.


Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (AME 431/531)

Development of numerical techniques for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations that arise in heat transfer and fluid mechanics; classification of equations, methods of solutions, examples, and applications.


Aerothermodynamics (AME 537)

This course aims at providing fundamental knowledge into the phenomena of high-temperature, nonequilibrium, and rarefied flows. Concepts and techniques for the description of high-temperature and chemically reacting gases from a molecular point of view are presented. Examples and areas of interest include aerothermodynamics of hypersonic flight, planetary re-entry, and satellites; physical gas dynamics; nonequilibrium gas dynamics; and molecular gas dynamics.